December 23, 2003

BMW OEM Titanium Emergency Brake Handle DIY Install (for 3 series 1999-2004)

By: Daniel Wu

Price: $85 shipped (from eBay, seller jimmy540i)

Ease of install: 1/10

Time Needed: 30 minutes

Tools Needed: hair dryer, a fatter zip tie, scissors or wire cutter, glue?, some strength

Please note: We are not responsible for any damages incurred from you installing your product. This page is for information purposes only. If you are not mechanically inclined, pay a shop to do it.

[ In Stock Form ]

Well, since I don't like the looks of the stock leather emergency brake handle, I looked around for alternatives. There are ones available from Hamann, ACS, and ones that match my factory Burlwood trim. However, looking around eBay one day, I found the Titanium one. I thought it looked nice and slick, so I decided to get it. This DIY should apply for handbrakes from other manufacturers as well, there may be some slight differences.

The install really isn't hard, it was only time consuming for me because of the fact that there was a LOT of glue on my old leather e-brake handle. I thought it would be easy to remove the old leather handle, but I was wrong.


[ Leather Boot Pulled Up ]

First, just pull the leather boot up, starting from the rear. There is a clip, and it should come out easily.

[ Leather Boot Almost Pulled Off ]

Next, just pull it back and use a clipper or scissors to cut the zip tie. That will allow you to pull the whole leather boot off of the handle.

[ Comparison of stock leather boot and titanium handle ]

Here you see the leather boot completely removed. I took a nice side by side comparo shot. Yup, seems like it'll fit perfectly. Now, how to take off the old e-brake handle!

I tried prying it with brute force (didn't work btw), as well as using a screwdriver and a hammer (didn't work either). Finally I just got a hair dryer and started heating up the handle. It took quite a while actually, as there was plenty of glue in there. The secret to removing the handle is to twist side to side (twist towards drivers side, then to passenger side). Then, as you twist, try to move the ebrake handle off the shaft. If it doesn't work, use the hair dryer some more. Then twist some more. Eventually it will come off. At least it should come off

[ Titanium Handle on the shaft ]

We're almost there!

[  Tieing the zip tie on the new handle ]

After removing the old one, just slide in your new Titanium handle. It will fit perfectly, but it will be lose a bit. Here, you can use some epoxy or quick drying glue, or you can try using a zip tie, which is a bit tricky. Put the leather boot back on backwards (see above) and tie the zip tie on right in the groove. You will need to make this zip tie VERY TIGHT if you don't use glue. Cut the extra off the zip tie, then carefully pull the shift boot back on and over the rest of the handle.

[ BMW Titanium E-Brake Handle Installed - Click on it for a larger picture ]

The finished product! All done. On to the next mod!


Review: Looks great and it works. What more could you ask for from an E-Brake handle! It is a bit cold though, if you leave the car outside for a long time.

Rating: 10/10

Gripes: Zero, might have been easier to secure with a screw of some sort, but that's pretty minor.




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